Annotation list

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Annotation list


Post by ScopesNC »

I have only 3 annotation list in my SC files. Is there a place to get more list for the annotation tool? If not can
a list be posted here in the forums maybe? I do EAA on line live and sometimes it is obvious objects are present but there is
no listing for them using the annotation tool. Would rally like to expand those file listings.
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Re: Annotation list


Post by Jean-Francois »

Hello ScopesNC,

It is simple ... read the following topics with the full story about the annotation tool: viewtopic.php?p=27141#p27141

For some files ... here: viewtopic.php?p=27590#p27590

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Re: Annotation list


Post by admin »


it's even in the user manual as well ;) ... %20Objects

(although that doesn't include the link to extra catalog files)


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Re: Annotation list


Post by ScopesNC »

Thanks for the links and information. Not what I was looking for but thanks.
I was just looking for ready to load up files that have been completed. Not how to make or build a list
or how to load them. I read that already. Thanks anyway.
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Re: Annotation list


Post by Jean-Francois »


From the CloudyNights forum ...
You can download the PGC data (for 15, 16, 17 or 18 magnitude) ... ry11671699
The column "type" is too much detailed. I generated a version without all the galaxies details.

Or here ... ry12760986
With Quasar, PK, Abell, darknebulae, M31-Globulars, SH2-2000 and van_den_Bergh(vdB) catalogues.

I generated stars catalogues for Be , Calspec, Miles.
I have the "PPM" stars catalogues too, but I do not remember if I generated by myself or found it in internet.
In the past, I tried to generate the HD star catalogue. But the coordinates were not correct (not in J2000 epoch).

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Re: Annotation list


Post by Jean-Francois »


here a test with one image of last night with M86 and friends (Newton 10' with reducer, QHY174GPS, 60 seconds).

First only with the NGC catalogue and then with the Hyperleda-22 catalogue.
Yes, it is possible to load 2'424'088 objects.
M86 (NGC 4406)_00001_WithAnnotations_NGC.jpg
M86 (NGC 4406)_00001_WithAnnotations_NGC.jpg (277.25 KiB) Viewed 884 times
M86 (NGC 4406)_00001_WithAnnotations_Hyperleda22.jpg
M86 (NGC 4406)_00001_WithAnnotations_Hyperleda22.jpg (291.78 KiB) Viewed 884 times

It is possible to load more ... if I load all the catalogues, it takes some time, but it can load 528'207'279 objects.

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Re: Annotation list


Post by Jean-Francois »

Oups ... small error with the calculator :-)
It is only 8'089'179 object (not 528'207'279).
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Re: Annotation list


Post by Jean-Francois »

Hello Robin,

Concerning the Deep Sky Annotation tool ... in the past days I did some experiment with large catalogues.

I have a wish ... can you do a small change in the way the catalogues are loaded ?

In place to load all the catalogues at the start of the Deep Sky Annotation tool, you can load only the "selected" catalogues at the start of the tool.
SharpCap remember the selected catalogues. And then only load the next selected catalogue when needed.

With all my catalogues, the tool need around 2 minutes to load all of them.

The same with the "GOTO Catalog Target/Co-ordinates tool" - "Full Catalog".
But you should before that add the individual catalogue selection.

Here a proposal:
Goto_Catalog_Target.jpg (256.81 KiB) Viewed 766 times

Other thing ... the "GOTO Catalog Target" tool seems to reload all the catalogues a second time when the Deep Sky Annotation tool is still open.
Additional smaller point ... it seems that the "Select Target" blocks other windows ... Script Console and Deep Sky Annotation windows can no more be selected or moved.

One thing more .. that is general for all the people generating a catalogue ... SharpCap shows all the different "Object Types".
That is cool to select "Galaxy" or "Emission Nebula". But it becomes useless with several hundred of different object types.
You can see on the image above ... with 30 or more different stars of type-A. It is too much :-)
(Note to me ... update my own catalogues).

Best regards,
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Re: Annotation list


Post by admin »

Hi Jean-Francois,

yes, there's more work needed in that area for the reasons that you are pointing out. I presume that you are already fully up-to-date on SharpCap versions? I did do some work in about February that boosted the performance somewhat with large catalogs, but if you are up-to-date then you will already be taking advantage of that.

The GOTO Target window locking out other things is deliberate - it does that to remove the need to keep track of things changing while it is active (camera closed/reopened, mount disconnected, etc). Dealing with keeping track of all of those things that could be going on in the background if the rest of SharpCap was left active would add a whole lot of work and not really benefit 99+% of people.

I will keep the annotation catalogs on a list of things to improve - if you want to send me a zip file of your catalogs that take 2 minutes to load then I will use them in my testing when I work on this.


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Re: Annotation list


Post by Jean-Francois »

Hello Robin,

OK for the locking the windows when GOTO Target is open.

For the very large catalogs ... here the Hyperleda: ... ry12880601
If you prefer, I can try to zip and send one large file to you per email.

Other catalogs here: ... ry12879312
with BarnardsGalaxy, OptenClusters and Zwicky.

Or the PGC catalogs: ... ry11671699

My own catalogs are small compared to these catalogs.

For more catalogs ... everybody can generate a catalogs with Vizier database.
Except me ! I retest the export of the HD star catalog ... the same all the coordinates are not J2000.

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