Sensor Analysis for specific gains only

Discussions on extending SharpCap using the built in Python scripting functionality
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Sensor Analysis for specific gains only


Post by Jay »

I want to know if it is possible to perform a sensor analysis for gains of my interest only. I know I can add gains to the performed analysis, with the SharpCap.SelectedCamera.SetGainsOfInterestForSensorAnalysis([]) command, but is there also a command to perform an analysis only for gains a, b, c and d?
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Re: Sensor Analysis for specific gains only


Post by admin »


no, unfortunately not - SharpCap will do a pre-measurement of the camera gain response and pick a roughly evenly spread range of gain values to test. To those it will add values each side of the camera HCG/LCG switchover point if known. You can add to those values, but not override or remove the default ones.


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