Planetary Live Stacking ?

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Planetary Live Stacking ?


Post by ScopesNC »

Love the new Planetary Live Stacking tool. Is it planned to allow us to save the settings in the tool?
It would be extremally helpful to have that as a feature in the Planetary Live Stacking tool. Would be a great help being able to save the last settings used at least.
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Re: Planetary Live Stacking ?


Post by admin »


good to hear that you like it :)

Which settings are not saving? I have been making them so that the should auto-save when you close the tool (or close SharpCap) and reload automatically the next time. There are a couple of exceptions like the checkbox to show the individual unprocessed frames, but otherwise they should all save and come back automatically.


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Re: Planetary Live Stacking ?


Post by ScopesNC »

Sorry for the late reply. Busy times ( Christmas ) . I'm not sure why but as of two updates back, it started to do exactly as you said. Saves last used settings. The very first time you put the tool out there it wasn't saving the settings for me. It does now and boy this is the best thing since sliced bread. LOL I have always been poor at doing EAA on planets. This one tool addition makes me look like a pro. At least it did late last night when I went back and tried it a 2nd time. Thanks for all the hard work you put in to S C. Best program out there.
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Re: Planetary Live Stacking ?


Post by admin »


that might make sense as I think there were some settings that were not saved in the very first version. Sounds like you are having fun with this new feature - do share some images in the gallery if you have time :)


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Re: Planetary Live Stacking ?


Post by OregonSky »

I had similar thought but my idea was User Profiles for DSO and Planetary usages.

Thru time, experimentation and help from others I was pretty happy with my DSO settings. It took much uumpf to get the nerve to wipe them out to try the Planetary Feature.
The new Planetary imaging tool is an Amazing feature.
Clouds - Fog and Extremely poor seeing of the last 2 weeks have not allowed me to get something I'm proud of yet and it doesn't look like the weather will help for the next while. I have better images than I ever had view though. Thank You.
So, I attempted to go back to DSO for a while the other night and something is off from where I was. It gotta be just some settings somewhere but once I get DSO ( my love ) settings back to a happy spot I'll be very hesitant to again toss what I have to play with the Planetary Imaging.

There are many of us out here that dont fully understand many of the setting features and options and arrived at a DSO setup that makes us happy thru that luck and experimentation.

Watching Mike ( Borodog ) in the YouTube videos that he has posted fly thru the settings so easily, I would imagine he could jump back and forth in a minute or two. I dont have that knowledge of the settings or confidence.
As Planets rise and set in a session it would be so nice to be able to jump back and forth with a saved starting spot that User Profiles for Planetary / DSO would provide.

Thanks So Much for your product.
MIKE in Oregon
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Re: Planetary Live Stacking ?


Post by admin »

Hi Mike,

glad to hear that the planetary stacking feature is giving you good images.

Fortunately the live stack settings for deep sky stacking and the planetary stacking settings are completely separate, so you don't need to worry about them. What you do need to think about going back and forward between the two is the camera settings, in particular

* Capture area - maximum for deep sky, probably reduced to a small ROI for planetary
* Colour space - 8 bit for planetary (RAW8 or MONO8), 16 bit for deep sky (RAW16/MONO16)
* Exposure and Gain
* Optional extras like background subtraction, dark correction, etc for deep sky.

The best thing to do is to save the settings for each configuration once you have them correct - use the 'capture profiles' feature at the top of the camera controls. See . Using these would let you save your settings and recover them later without worry.


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Re: Planetary Live Stacking ?


Post by OregonSky »

Thanks for pointing that out to me.
I did not know that feature was there. I searched the manual by the wrong keyword ( User instead of Camera )
Will Experiment.
Love the videos that Mike ( Borodog ) has been posting. I cant wait until he gets some clear sky to see him set up live and set the ROI.

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