Dynamic Deep Sky Annotation

Discussions on extending SharpCap using the built in Python scripting functionality
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Dynamic Deep Sky Annotation


Post by Xio1996 »

Hi Everybody,

I was hoping there was a way to dynamically add catalogues/items to DSA via scripting? I know there is a SharpCap.Catalog object that reports 229 items. This seems to be the Messier, Caldwell and Solar System objects. However, I have Bright Stars, NGC IC and a custom catalogue ticked and they don't seem to show up.

As you may have guessed, I wanted to add one or more custom objects programmatically, in a similar manner to the 'Paste Custom Object Info'. The items can be added dynamically based on the current FOV. This would be a similar concept to CDC's Aladin application but over a live image.

Many thanks.

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Re: Dynamic Deep Sky Annotation


Post by admin »

Hi Pete,

unfortunately there's no scripting access to make that sort of thing happen, and it's not one of those things that is easy to add either :(

If your BrightStar and NGC/IC catalogs are not showing up then maybe there is an error loading them - that would be recorded in the log. If you do annotation on the default Orion Nebula image in the test camera then you should see a range of NGC/IC and HIP items marked.

Note that in a recent update I added some code that tries to limit the overcrowding of the annotation, so it will skip adding some items if they are too close to items that are already drawn (to try to avoid overlapping). If you increase the zoom of the image then more items will appear as the overcrowding becomes reduced.


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