Stored Focuser Positions

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Re: Stored Focuser Positions


Post by Rocket_Guy »

Have you tried the new plate solver routine in Sharpcap? You don't have to know the focal length in order to use it and as long as you have a FOV of 0.5 degrees (0.25 degrees with additional star data) you should have no trouble doing a successful plate solve. Also, I think you will find that Sharpcap's plate solver routine is much faster than ASTAP.

Best, Bill
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Re: Stored Focuser Positions


Post by rac19 »

Re post #2.

Thanks Robin,

Yes, I regularly enter a new target position and use a spreadsheet to track the numbers but this feature would make for a nicer workflow.

Maybe the user could create/edit a table of named positions in Hardware Settings/Focuser.

In the focuser control panel, there could be Save and Load buttons. Save would allow the user to choose from a list of existing names or create a new name to save the current position. Load would require the user to select an existing name and Sharpcap would load the relevant number and go to that position.

There could be separate list for each focuser type or it could be left to the user to deal with that in the names they define. I have only one focuser so that's not of concern to me.

The suggestion of defining a simple Sequence for each position, as an interim measure has merit.
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Re: Stored Focuser Positions


Post by rac19 »

Another possible UI design.

There could be a small additional icon button on the Focuser area of the Scope Controls (in the Camera Control Panel). This could bring up a child window with a data grid listing named focuser positions, including a new data row for adding a new one. The could be three buttons, for example...

Load - Enabled only when a data row is selected. Loads the numeric position for the selected data row and moves the focuser to that position. An alternative name could be GoTo.

Store - Enabled only when a data row is selected. Stores the current focuser position as the numeric value for the selected data row.

Save - Saves all values in the data grid.
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Re: Stored Focuser Positions


Post by admin »


thanks for the suggestions - I will keep them in mind, but unfortunately it will be a while before I get any time to look into this.


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