Solar Mosaic newbee questions

Discussions of using SharpCap for Solar or Lunar Imaging
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Solar Mosaic newbee questions


Post by markj57 »

I have used Sharpcap for years for DSO, planetary, solar and lunar imaging with great results.

I wanted to try the solar mosaic feature. It is greyed out in my menu. Is that because I need to connect to the mount? I have never had to do that before and could not find clear instructions.

I am using an AM5. I tried connecting my USB port on the AM5 to my computer and nothing changed. I tried running ascom but it did not recognize the AM5. What do I need to do to get the solar mosaic function to be selectable? I saw something online about connecting the ST port on my camera to the mount but that didn't do anything either.

I'm using a Mars M (IMX290) camera on a Lunt 100MT on an AM5. Would appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction. Thanks.
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Re: Solar Mosaic newbee questions


Post by admin »


yes, you need the mount to be connected in SharpCap to enable the mosaic tools in the menu - SharpCap needs to use the mount GOTO functions and be able to read the co-ordinates from the mount as part of the calibration procedure.

To get your mount going you will need

* ASCOM Platform installed (sounds like you might have done this)
* ZWO ASCOM driver for the AM5 mount installed (sounds like you haven't done this) - should be available from ZWO downloads page
* Configure SharpCap to use the mount in the SharpCap hardware settings - see
* To tell SharpCap to connect to the mount when the camera is open (if not already connected) - see ... %20Control

Hopefully this should get you going,

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Re: Solar Mosaic newbee questions


Post by markj57 »


Thanks that was very helpful. I was able to connect and open the solar mosaic function. But when I aligned on the first point the software did not proceed to the second point. The instructions remained the same. Also, pressing the arrows did not move the telescope. I'm set for telescope
What do you suggest?

Thank you

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Re: Solar Mosaic newbee questions


Post by admin »

Hi Mark,

you need to be set to use the 'ZWO AM5' or similar from the mounts list, not the Telescope Simulator (the simulator is just a piece of software that pretends to be a GOTO mount for testing purposes but doesn't actually move anything). Once you get that sorted, the telescope should be movable using the buttons, which will be a good start.

Pressing the 'Add' button to add an align point should make the button you have just pressed go grey and the next button below it become enabled - you can watch it in action for the lunar mosaic tool here (slightly older version)


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Re: Solar Mosaic newbee questions


Post by markj57 »

Thanks Robin, will give that a try!
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