YouTube Tutorial - Choosing an OTA & Mount for Electronically Assisted Astronomy

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YouTube Tutorial - Choosing an OTA & Mount for Electronically Assisted Astronomy


Post by curtismacc »

Over the past year and a half I have posted several videos on my YouTube channel related to the equipment and techniques we use for amateur astronomy. Most recently, I began producing a video series on what I call "The Six Essential Tools for Electronically Assisted Astronomy" which include OTAs, Mounts, Cameras, Computers, Software and DC Power. I just posted the first installment which covers the essential things to look for when choosing an OTA and Mount including Newtonians, SCTs, refractors, EQ and Alt-Az mounts. I will post subsequent instalments over time with the next one on features to consider when choosing a camera. So whether you call it EAA, EEVA, Camera Assisted Astronomy, Video Astronomy, Camera Assisted Viewing or Camera Assisted Observing, if you are interested in doing real time live stacking and viewing of deep sky objects you may want to take a look at this first video. Budding astro-imagers may even find that they benefit from this series as the line between EAA and astro-photography has been blurred with the advent of low read noise CMOS cameras and software like Sharpcap.

Here is a link to the video [url][]

I would also appreciate feedback so that I can better tailor videos like these in the future.
Best Regards,
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Re: YouTube Tutorial - Choosing an OTA & Mount for Electronically Assisted Astronomy


Post by Menno555 »

Hi Curtis

No feedback on what to do better:)
Just wanting to say that your articulation is excellent. For me as non-English speaker, it was all very clear and easy to follow. So kudos for that :D

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