ASI6200MM-Pro Hardware Binning ?

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Re: ASI6200MM-Pro Hardware Binning ?


Post by Hibou »

For x3 hardware binning, SC's rule that X must be a multiple of 24 and Y a multiple of 6 seems correct so these all work for both x2 and x3 hardware binning, with the expected download speed increase of x4 or x9 confirmed. The latter two also work for x4 hardware binning, but download speeds aren't as good as with x3.
So the only thing that might be changed in SC is to correct the X x8 warning to X x16 for x2 binning. But it would be nice if SC could check that the ROI was compatible with hardware binning before trying to set it, or better adjust the ROI to be compatible as it apparently does for software binning.

ZWOs practice of keeping a list of ROI's in the system Registry is regrettable. If this list were kept in a simple text file, as SC uses for its camera parameters, that would make it a lot easier to customise the ROI's to include only those compatible with binning.
Last edited by Hibou on Mon Feb 13, 2023 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ASI6200MM-Pro Hardware Binning ?


Post by admin »


thanks for the update. The list of resolutions shown in SharpCap are all down to SharpCap... I have an algorithm that generates the list from things like

* The full resolution, half width, half height, half in both directions
* Common resolutions (1280x960, 800x600, 640x480), etc
* Any custom resolutions that you have used with the camera before

If you want, you can do weird things like full width * 16 pixels high and get quite remarkable frame rates.

Anyway, I will probably have to make the rules for hardware binning only apply when it is enabled, otherwise it will do things like rule out the maximum resolution at bin 2 (half of full sensor width, half of height) for some cameras, which then means incompatibility with previous versions and other software.


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Re: ASI6200MM-Pro Hardware Binning ?


Post by Hibou »

Thanks Robin. Since your post I edited mine to add that x4 hardware binning works for some ROI despite it not being mentioned in the manual. And yes, no problems with any ROI for software binning, so you only need to check if hardware binning is enabled.
Cheers, Alan.
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Re: ASI6200MM-Pro Hardware Binning ?


Post by admin »

Hi Alan,

I have just uploaded a new version that I hope will fix this - it applies the more stringent rules on sizes when hardware binning is enabled, and seems to work for me on all hardware bin factors (but this may vary from camera to camera).


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Re: ASI6200MM-Pro Hardware Binning ?


Post by Hibou »

Thanks for the quick work Robin. I'm now testing your new beta version 4.1.10172.0-64bit
1) With Hardware Binning OFF soft constriants are X/8 & Y/2 (bin=2), X/24 & Y/6 (bin=3), X/8 & Y/4 (bin=4)
2) With Hardware Binning ON hard constriants are X/16 & Y/4 (bin=2), X/24 & Y/6 (bin=3), X/32 & Y/8 (bin=4)
So software binning constraints are unchanged and hardware binning constraints are tightened as planned.
I couldn't find any ROI that would crash hardware binning; they are automatically corrected by these rules. Bravo! Though I have a couple of comments :-)

1) Perhaps always use hardware binning constraints if hardware binning is available. People are going to use it sometimes, and then the ROI can change when they switch from software to hardware binning. Only for cameras without hardware binning, should you relax the constraints.

2) The Custom Resolution Dialogue proposes an ROI after x2 software binning (even if hardware binning is turned on), unless x2, x3 or x4 binning is selected. Yes, custom ROI choices are constrained by the eventual need for binning, but they are not otherwise related. So the proposed target ROI should be before binning IMHO. eg if I start with a maximum Capture Area 9576x6388 the dialogue should propose the nearest ROI that satisfies x2 (hardware) binning constraints (or x3, x4 if those are selected). And you don't need the Closest Valid Resolution boxes; just use the closest valid resolution (before binning) as the Target. You already allow it to be stepped up or down according to the binning rules, so apply the rules to the actual Target.
Custom-Resolution-Dialogue.jpg (37.35 KiB) Viewed 6509 times
These are just niggles. The essential has been done, to prevent SC crashing with an ROI incompatible with hardware binning. Again a big thanks !

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Re: ASI6200MM-Pro Hardware Binning ?


Post by admin »

Hi Alan,

glad that it is largely working :)

With regard to the first point, I think I would agree with you, apart from two thing. The first is that the hardware binning rules exclude the maximum area for some cameras and binning settings, when that would be allowed by software binning rules. The second is that people out there have been able to use the existing rules, so applying a rule change that means that a resolution that they have used is no longer allowed would be an issue (breaking darks and flats, etc). I can apply rule changes in cases where the camera failed previously, since there can't be darks or flats saved at those illegal resolutions because the camera didn't work :)

On the second, I think you are being mixed up because the dialog initially proposes a custom resolution that is 50% of sensor width and 50% of height. This is not really to do with 2x binning, just a reasonable starting point based on the assumptions that if you want a custom resolution then you don't want full resolution, and you don't want zero by zero, so start half way in between. You can go up as well as down from this starting point. Additionally, the step size of 16 when you press the up/down button is just chosen for convenience (quite likely you will get a value that you are happy with using +/- 16 without too many clicks). However, you can edit the value by typing in the box and put in any value you like.


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Re: ASI6200MM-Pro Hardware Binning ?


Post by Hibou »

OK Robin, I understand that. I'm very happy that hardware binning can now be set up easily.
Thanks again. Alan
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