Planetary Capture and 'Live' Stacking in Sharpcap

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Planetary Capture and 'Live' Stacking in Sharpcap


Post by DrBobAZ »

Hi Robin

First let me say I love your software, and I have been using it for about 2 years in pro mode for EAA livestack and video capture of planets for export into autostakkert! and registax6.

I feel a bit embarrassed to even be asking this, since sharpcap is so capable in so many areas of interest to the community.

Would it be possible to have a livestack (or postprocessing) capability for planetary imaging?

Your software is super useful for many things, so having this capability would just be icing on the cake. There is of course a current workflow that just passes on the video to other apps, but it might be cool to have it as much as possible turn-key.

I would really appreciate your feedback on this idea

Bob Campbell
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Re: Planetary Capture and 'Live' Stacking in Sharpcap


Post by admin »

Hi Bob,

I don't think it would be possible to do a good job of 'live' planetary stacking, since planetary imaging is usually run at 30fps or faster. That means that analysis, alignment and statcking would all need to be processed in less than 0.03s, which I think is probably not achieveable even on fast processors.

It may be possible to do some sort of basic stacking, but I think the results would fall substantially below those of a program like AS!3 etc.

Of course, the other part is that the whole problem of analysing, aligning and stacking planetary images is something I have no experience of, so a lot of code would need writing, testing, revising, etc.


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Re: Planetary Capture and 'Live' Stacking in Sharpcap


Post by Rocket_Guy »

Would it not be possible to take all the saved planetary images and then stack and process them after the fact using the folder monitor camera? It is not quite real time, but could be close. Just asking.

Best, Bill
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Re: Planetary Capture and 'Live' Stacking in Sharpcap


Post by DrBobAZ »

Hi Bill

Thanks for the reply. I have never used this feature, but does it not use the same star identification algorithm used to stack and align DSO pics? In planetary, the stack/align algorithm uses a different set of reference points on the planet's disk. In short, if there are no stars then it won't be able to stack and align the individual images.


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Re: Planetary Capture and 'Live' Stacking in Sharpcap


Post by DrBobAZ »

Hi Robin

Yes, of course, we are running at very high framerates so live stacking is certainly out (there is no facepalm emoji, :) I should have thought of that!). Moreover, one could have to substitute a 'better' frame from one in the current stack, since there is no way of knowing what the seeing will be doing later in the capture.

Thanks for the reply, and I understand fully why it makes sense to offload the stack/align step to the specialized software like as! and rs6

Best wishes, and keep up the good work!

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