Temp change autofocus and synchronized dithering

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Temp change autofocus and synchronized dithering


Post by DTC1999 »

Some features that would really be helpful to me and I am sure many others:

1. Autofocus feature that will automatically run when a criteria is reached such as a set amount of change in temperature.

2. Synchronized Dithering, when using 2 imaging cameras on one mount. Each camera running on different instances of SharpCap Pro and able to connect to the same PHD2 to prevent either instance of Sharpcap from starting a new image capture while the PHD2 dither has not yet settled.

Both of these features are currently available on programs such as SGP and NINA, but I would rather stay with SharpCap Pro and hopefully have these features on Sharpcap!
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Re: Temp change autofocus and synchronized dithering


Post by admin »


thanks for the suggestions - SharpCap 3.3 will have the ability to autofocus on a schedule, but not on a temperature change (yet).

The second idea would just require SharpCap to pause frame collection if PHD stops guiding - one version of SharpCap would command the dithering and the other would keep an eye on PHD and pause while a dither is in progress. Almost possible now except that I don't think the exposure drops to 1s in the version of SharpCap that is just watching for the dither.


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Re: Temp change autofocus and synchronized dithering


Post by DTC1999 »

Thank you for the reply.

Also for the dithering, there would also need to be a delay in the start of the dither if the 2nd camera is still finishing an exposure. I am sure there would be other variables as well for it to work smoothly. Basically the main concept is that dithering doesn't ruin any frames when doing dual camera/scope imaging.

Do you foresee these features put in a version in the near future? That would be great news to be able to have this with Sharpcap Pro.. This program has came a long way.. Keep up your good work!
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Re: Temp change autofocus and synchronized dithering


Post by admin »


I think that communication between the two running versions is probably further than I'm planning to go at the moment – that sort of thing could be achieved with the Python scripting language that is built into SharpCap. The sequencing tool that I'm currently building for SharpCap 3.3 provides the framework for lots of these sorts of advanced features, but they are unlikely to be available in the initial versions of 3.3 – I prefer to get the basics working stably first :-)

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Re: Temp change autofocus and synchronized dithering


Post by AmargosaSky »

Hi Robin,

I was looking to synchronize dithering between two simultaneous instances, and found this thread.

Is there a way to do this within the present sequencing tool, or programmatically?


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Re: Temp change autofocus and synchronized dithering


Post by admin »


I guess you might be able to rig something up using the sequencer and the ability to run an external command (if you have some programming or maybe batch file skills). You could set both sequences up to not dither but to run a batch file/program intermittently - that program could wait until two copies were running at once (meaning both SharpCap's were waiting for it), then dither, then both would exit.

It might be possible to rig something similar using the python scripting (which can be launched from the sequencer too). Either approach would need a certain amount of 'geek' to be applied, but could work :)


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Re: Temp change autofocus and synchronized dithering


Post by AmargosaSky »

Thanks Robin.

Are you taking any programming side jobs??? :D
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Re: Temp change autofocus and synchronized dithering


Post by admin »


sorry, no :D

This sort of thing is the reason that I put the scripting (and to a lesser extent the sequencer) into SharpCap. It's impossible for me to make SharpCap do absolutely everything that anyone can think might be a nice to have feature, but with the scripting/sequencing, it's possible for those who do have niche requirements to potentially make SharpCap do what they want.


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