WAR: Could not obtain write lock within 1 s

Discussions of Electronically Assisted Astronomy using the Live Stacking feature.
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WAR: Could not obtain write lock within 1 s


Post by db48 »

Every time I start a new live stack the first frame is ignored and the message "Frame not stacked because: Could not obtain write lock within 1s" is displayed.
My camera is a ZWO ASI071MC Pro (4944x3284 pixels), and normally I do not use the align feature because it is not strictly necessary with my Avalon Zero mount + PHD2 guide. My PC has a 4GB memory, and stacking uses only 1 or 2 of the 7 available frame buffers. The single frame acquistion time is =>32s, always much more of the stacking time.
I'm curious to know what is the origin of the initial warning message.
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Re: WAR: Could not obtain write lock within 1 s


Post by admin »


thanks for the report - I'd noticed the first frame being dropped on occaision, but hadn't spotted the log message. When the very first frame comes in it first triggers the live stacking to be initialized (basically sets up an empty stack with a black image to add to). Then it tries to do the stacking. For some reason the code that was trying to make sure it had exclusive write access to the stack for the second bit (the stacking) was being refused exclusive access for no good reason. If, instead of saying I'll wait 1 second for exclusive access I ask twice with a maximum half second wait on each it works. Weird, but it works now. Will be in the next beta release.


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