SVBony 305 and sharpcap

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SVBony 305 and sharpcap


Post by Bsaxton »

Okay so I've been looking at Jupiter with my camera using sharp cap and my SVbony 305. I've got my pictures a lot clearer just not super clear and fine I've adjusted the sharpness I've tried messing with the gain I've tried messing with the exposure time and nothing seems to help! I've messed with the black level the sharpness and gamma. I know I'm in perfect focus. Why are my pictures not clear?? My telescope is a Meade 8" LX3 2080 it's focal ratio is F10 with the focal length of 2000mm.
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Re: SVBony 305 and sharpcap


Post by admin »


the two most likely causes are atmospheric turbulence and focus.

Focus is hard to adjust at long focal lengths as the change near to best focus is small. This can be particularly hard for SCT telescopes as the focus mechanism often has massive amounts of backlash. It's made even harder by the variability caused by atmospheric turbulence below...

Atmospheric turbulence - seeing distortions - are inevitable. The way to deal with this is to capture a video of 1000-3000 frames and then use a stacking program like AutoStakkert or Registax to select the sharpest 10-20% of the frames and stack them. The stacked result will often still look blurry, but the stacking reduces the noise to the point that you can use a lot of sharpening (for instance wavelets in Registax) to get a better image.

I'd also suggest putting gamma, sharpness, contrast and saturation back to defaults - making changes to them is just processing the image after it comes off the camera but before it gets to SharpCap. Setting a medium to high gain and a short exposure is a good starting point (aim for 30 frames per second, so an exposure of 33ms or less).


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