Browsing Fits images of galaxies

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Browsing Fits images of galaxies


Post by koshi »

Hello Robin!I was able to discover supernova SN2024ahv in galaxy NGC6106 on January 16 using SharpCapV4.1. This was thanks to SharpCapV4.1. Thank you so much.

I live in an urban area where even on a clear day I can see 4th magnitude stars at best, but thanks to Live Stack I can capture objects at 17th magnitude by galaxies at 13th magnitude.
I use ASI294MM on C9.25 to introduce galaxies with 4 seconds of live stacking and compare them to the DSS image. 8-10 stacks and if there is nothing unusual I go to the next galaxy, no Save. At this time, I use both automatic and manual histogram stretching, and this operation gives me a very exquisite view of the stars overlapping the arms of the galaxy.

Now, I have been having trouble with this histogram stretch because it is too good to be true.
Recently I have been experimenting with another method of searching supernova in Galaxy with a list of coordinates while using a sequence editor to automatical. In this case, I use the Fits brwoser to compare the captured image with the DSS image after shooting, but at this time I do not have a Fits browser that can do the same exquisite histogram stretching as when SharpCap is live-stacked. I am currently using Zwo's browser.It's a good software, but I wish it had more granular controls.

1 Robin, do you have any recommendations for a Fits browser?
2 Would it be possible for you to create a great Fits browser?
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Re: Browsing Fits images of galaxies


Post by admin »


congratulations on discovering the supernova using SharpCap! That's an amazing achievement from a light polluted location :)

I must admit that when I want to look at previous FITS images I have 2 tools that I tend to use

1) FITSLiberator (old version 3) - good for reading pixel values, checking headers, applying strange stretch functions

2) SharpCap's Deep Sky Test camera - use the 'Browse' button in the testing controls on the right to open an existing file in one of SharpCap's supported formats (TIF, FITS, PNG, etc).

I don't know if you were already aware of the possibility of using the deep sky camera to view FITS files (and you can use auto stretch). Maybe that will help. Another tool that might help if all the FITS files are in the same folder is the 'Folder monitor camera' - that can also load FITS images, and with this tool you can step forward through the different images in the folder viewing each in turn.

Another thing that I have thought of doing (but is not implemented in SharpCap yet) is to have SharpCap set up so that it can be used to open FITS, TIFF, PNG, JPG and SER files - if you 'open' a file using SharpCap then it would load that file into either Test Camera 1 (still files) or Test Camera 2 (SER videos). Would that feature be helpful? It's something that I am much more likely to be able to find time for than a full FITS browser :)


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Re: Browsing Fits images of galaxies


Post by koshi »

Thank you for your congratulations! If I had not met SharpCap, I would not have been able to encounter this supernova either.

>2 SharpCap's Deep Sky Test camera - use the 'Browse' button in the testing controls on the right to open an existing file in one of SharpCap's supported formats (TIF, FITS, PNG, etc).

Fits browsing is exactly what I was hoping for. I'm sorry I missed out on such a great feature.
I can now fully reproduce the histogram stretching I did on LiveStack on the morning of January 17 for NGC6106. This is more useful than any other Fits browser.

I use both LiveStacking's Histogram Stretch and CameraControal's Histogram Stretch menu for stretching, but LiveStacking's histogram is displayed in Log. If I want to use both of them, is it OK to run the LiveStack as a dummy and clear the Livestack when reading the next fits by clicking the browse button? I have a little trouble with histogram stretching only for CamaraContoal.

Another thing that you have thought of doing.
As for the "SnarpCap", when you double-click on a fits file, the associated SnarpCap reads the file and starts up, right? I think this may be useful in many cases, but currently the ZWO viewer does this, but after it reads the file, it exits and reads the file again. For this purpose only, I think the second method of loading the next file without exiting SharpCap is convenient.
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Re: Browsing Fits images of galaxies


Post by admin »


glad that the option of opening FITS files in the test camera helps!

You can of course use live stacking when using the test camera - the stacking will not help improve the picture because every frame is identical, but you can use the live stack stretch function to gain fine control over the display of the image. Don't forget to clear the stack when you change image, otherwise it will stack the new image with the old (if the stars match).


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Re: Browsing Fits images of galaxies


Post by koshi »

Thank you Robin. I give you this image with all my heart.
SN2024ahv in NGC6106
SN2024ahv in NGC6106
スクリーンショット 2024-02-09 095348.png (782.39 KiB) Viewed 1037 times
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