Jupiter - raw data for you to experiment with

Discussions of using SharpCap for Planetary Imaging
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Jupiter - raw data for you to experiment with


Post by admin »

Hi folks,

if you've been wanting to try out planetary live stacking but have struggled with the lack of clear skies or good seeing conditions, you might want to have a practice using some pre-captured data.

The link below will let you download an SER file of unprocessed Jupiter data that I captured on the 1st January. The file is about 32Gb and consists of ~108000 frames captured at 60fps over 30 minutes - that means it's enough to show some rotation over the length of the file.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kFW2vx ... sp=sharing

To use the recording in SharpCap you need to select 'Test Camera 2 (High Speed)', then use the 'Browse...' button next to 'Image' in the 'Testing Controls' section to select the downloaded file. If your version of SharpCap is up to date then you can just drag the file into the picture area of SharpCap (as long as no other camera is open) and it will all happen automatically.
Screenshot 2025-01-04 170512.jpg
By default, SharpCap will play back the file at 20fps, which is a bit slow - move the 'Exposure/Gain' shift control two to the left - this will reduce the simulated exposure to 12.5ms and increase the simulated gain to compensate, leaving the frame brightness the same but running at 80fps instead.


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