Live Stacking/Guiding Works - Sequencer Not

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Live Stacking/Guiding Works - Sequencer Not


Post by Rcamkes »

I’ve used both live stacking and sequencer with PHD2 and ST4 connections with no issues.

I recently switched to EQMOD. Everything seemed to work fine after I figured out calibration. I had to uncheck the box in PHD2 “Stop guiding while slewing” because I couldn’t calibrate because of error “stopped guiding because telescope slewing”. After I unchecked this, got calibrated and started guiding. Never had this problem with ST4 guiding.

So I move over to Sharpcap, set up sequencer and hit run. I made a mistake and walked away and left it to do it’s thing. I had the dither set for 80 sec and the image exposure set for 90 sec. I used these settings in live stacking before without issue. I came back, and no images. Grrr. The log first showed guiding ok, but when it tried to do the next exposure, apparently it thought it lost guiding. A quick check to PHD2 and it was still guiding fine. I tried a couple other settings, no luck.

I move over to live stacking, set same parameters, everything works fine, capturing exposures and dithering.

I’d much rather use sequencer. HELP


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Re: Live Stacking/Guiding Works - Sequencer Not


Post by admin »


I don't think it is actually anything to do with guiding - nothing at all happens in the log between 22:04 (when the sequence connects to PHD and the first capture starts) and 22:47 (when you cancel).

It looks like the camera got stuck capturing the first frame and never completed that capture. I have been looking at this problem with some QHY cameras in the last couple of days and I think I may have a fix (at least it fixes it for my 294C, hopefully for your 268 too). When you switch back to live stacking, the camera goes back into video mode which is not affected by the problem.

Keep an eye out for the next update of 4.0 (later this week) and give it a test to see if it resolves the problem.


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Re: Live Stacking/Guiding Works - Sequencer Not


Post by Rcamkes »

Thank you!
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