Error in the LOG section during LIve Stack

Discussions of Electronically Assisted Astronomy using the Live Stacking feature.
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Error in the LOG section during LIve Stack


Post by tiziano »

Hi Robin

I have a question
during the Live stack in the LOG section
every now and then this message appears .....
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
INFO Detected 134 in the stacked image. mean FWHM is 5.824319
INFO Detected 133 stars in the frame image, mean FWHM is 5.816645
ERROR No potential transforms remaining after filtering for scale
WARM Failed to align with the reference frame.
ERROR Failed to calculate alignment.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
what it means
especially ---> ERROR No potential transforms remaining after filtering for scale

Thanks for your patience
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Re: Error in the LOG section during LIve Stack


Post by admin »


that means that SharpCap can't work out how to align the next frame with the stack so far. SharpCap bases the alignment on patterns of stars in both the new frame and the stack so far.

It looks for ways to make those patterns line up by adjusting the rotation and position (left/right/up/down offset) of the new frame. Actually, the mathematics behind it can also spot matches if the new frame has a scaled up or scaled down version of the same star patterns, but we don't want any answers like that as you don't adjust the magnification during stacking. That's why it says 'filtered for scale' - once any answers that scaled up or down had been discarded there were no answers left that made sense.

If it is only happening evey now and then (1 frame in 20 or so) then best not to worry. If it happens frequently then best to investigate further as each frame that it happens for is wasted.


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