Folder Monitoring -Forced MONO OSC Camera images not taken by Sharpcap

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Folder Monitoring -Forced MONO OSC Camera images not taken by Sharpcap


Post by Gunshy »

I would like some help in being able to use color images from an ASI2600MC (color) camera. Livestacking of images works fine, but I also wanted to use Livestacking using folder monitor to display how my image progress was going when using a different program (SGPro).

When images are taken with ASI2600MM as a capture of several frames, Sharpcap writes a sidecar text file with the same name as the FITS file. This sidecar file is essential during folder monitoring because it tells Sharpcap what camera was used and specifically what color space to use. If the images were taken via SGPro, for example, the camera listed in the FITS header is just "ASCOM ASI Camera 1", there is no sidecar file, and Sharpcap doesn't know what the camera is, or what color space to use. In the current case it assumed MONO16. Fine, and a reasonable assumption, but the user is unable to change it. THe best the user can do, in this case, is to Force (RGGB) Debayer. THat is fine for an individual image, but not fine using Livestacking, because the debayer must come before the stack (otherwise the bayer matrix will be lost - red pixels stacked on green, etc.). So the forced debayer will only work on a single image, and not the stacked image.

A solution to the problem would be to allow the used to select RAW16 as the color space, if the sidecar file is not found, and Sharpcap does not know what kind of ASCOM camera took the image. Yes, I am sure that some users might get strange results if they do this on a MONO image, but they can always change it back.

Could you please allow me to manually to change the colour space for the images in a folder, or at least allow me to tell SHarpcap what kind of camera took the images so that the appropriate colorspace can be used.

Much appreciated
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Re: Folder Monitoring -Forced MONO OSC Camera images not taken by Sharpcap


Post by admin »


as I've replied in the other thread, I'm pretty sure that setting the 'Debayer preview' option is sufficient - it certainly is in my testing and I checked the code too.



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